
Why logistics control with RFID is essential nowadays?

Why automatic RFID logistics control is essential

Facing the challenge of huge global merchandise transit

Thanks to automatic RFID logistics control, the movement of goods is simplified and optimized with absolute reliability. In our globalized world, the movements of goods are complex and composed with a multitude of processes of the different agents involved, national and international, for example, the supplying company, the distribution company, the receiving company, the different customs agents, the transport companies, etc. It is clear that all these processes must be coordinated in order to optimize time and resources, and also safeguard the safety of goods and consumers.

In this scenario, a priori chaotic and that seems endless, it is in which the automatic management by RFID shines for its enormous possibilities and benefits, as we are going to develop in this article.

Increased speed of logistics processes

There are two facts that make RFID management and coordination the fastest. On the one hand, each item marked with an RFID tag of a total of merchandise can be individually and uniquely marked, identifying it and following it as a separate object in all stock, transit, arrival or departure records. Along with, on the other hand, the reading of this unique identification number is not done one by one, but that thanks to RFID technology, the reading of all the identification numbers is automatic in batch and in real-time.
This is how RFID tags work, all tagged items pass through the radiofrequency field of an antenna, which communicates with an RFID reader that contributes all the data to the registration system automatically, at the same time and in real-time.

Facilitate automation with the minimum of employees working in the facility

As we already pointed out in the previous point, all this data entry and management needs a minimum of human intervention, since manual work is reduced to its minimum expression. The manual tasks of reading each item, and the input and output data entry, are eliminated thanks to the automatic RFID control of the data. Finally, human intervention in this data management does not always have to be in person at the company, warehouse or facilities, a lot of them can be online.

Ensure the reliability of the data

This electronic automation of the data also almost completely eliminates the possibilities of human error, increasing the reliability of the data, which entails an important economic benefit, or rather, the economic losses of stock breaks, of unknown losses of products, thefts, etc.

Certification of the origin of the products

Another of the very important points that RFID technology applied to logistics coordination provides is the security of the certifications of origin of the products. A product can be counterfeited, but what they cannot counterfeit in any way is the number of the RFID tag that a company certifies as to its own. Therefore, the RFID tag will give verifiable information to check the origin of the product.
This is important if we are talking about branded products. But has capital importance if what we are talking about are medical, pharmaceutical or food products.

RFID technology against the chaotic movement of goods

The simple phrase “chaotic movement of goods” already generates discomfort on its own, chaos is not a desirable state in the globalized world in which we live and imagine, and need, coordinated. Furthermore, it is in moments of crisis when this imperative need for coordination, reaction capacity and optimization of time and resources becomes more evident.

Since the crisis caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus began, it has become clear that the most essential products are health and food. In a crisis of this type, we can renounce of almost everything, except, obviously, food, and medical goods such as masks, gloves, medicines, and everything that health personnel, patients and the population to protect may need.

In these cases, it is when RFID technology contributes even more to improving the logistics management of all these products. First, increasing speed, second, facilitating the automation of all processes with the least number of face-to-face personnel possible, third, ensuring the reliability of stock data and traceability of goods in transit, and fourth, certifying the origin of the goods.

RFID logistics control is not only essential

Is the reality that nobody in logistics business can ignore. In Trace ID, we are manufacturers and developers of RFID solutions for logistics. We deliver several RFID tags that are the best in the market for logistics, for example, the ThunderTrace, the TER16 or the TE14.

Main photo by Chuttersnap om Unsplash.

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